
Showing posts from June, 2019

Final Day of Plant Camp

  It's hard to believe that Plant Camp has come to an end! God has been so good and so faithful this  week, and it has been our joy and privilege to serve along side Gospel Grace Church for the sake of the Gospel!  We began our morning with a trip to our favorite coffee shop, Publik. We then headed to the church and enjoyed some yummy doughnuts before heading out to serve. As a group, we were sent out into Liberty Park to invite children to our Kids Carnival. Once the carnival began, the girls were sent to serve by hanging more door hangers and the guys went with Josh Longoria to do a service project at a church members house. Plant Camp ended by gathering all the campers together and having one final picnic lunch together.  We were encouraged by Will Galkin and Jon Kopp to take what we have been learning here and apply it back home in our own home towns. After lunch, we took the team to City Creek Mall to listen to Kelly st...

Day Five - last full day of Plant Camp

We began our morning serving the Salt Lake City community on the Jordan River Parkway Trail.  The trail is a 40+ mile trail that flows from Utah Lake to the Great Salt Lake.  All the different groups at Plant Camp (totaling over 90 people) split into two different teams.  One team cut blooms off the thistle plant and the other team pulled Puncture Vine Weevils. We then headed back to Gospel Grace for our last teaching session on 1 John, titled "Perfect Love Casts Out Fear."  We were reminded that: 1.  Perfect love originates with God. 2.  Perfect love creates boldness. 3.  Perfect love banishes fear. 4.  Perfect love establishes itself in truth. 5.  Perfect love impacts other for good. We had a great small group time after, in which we were able to share with each other the ways we respond in fear and how a fearful person can only think about themselves.  Then we encouraged each other that p...

Day Four - Equipping and Serving

We started the fourth day of Plant Camp at Gospel Grace continuing our study of 1 John 4:13-16.  The theme being "God Dwells in Us."  One of the main purposes in 1 John is to help believers have a confident assurance of eternal life.  Our small group time was sweet as we focused on the assurance of our salvation and our own person spiritual condition.  After our session, we helped set up for a free car wash, in the afternoon, at Gospel Grace.  The ladies used their artistic talents and made signs, while the guys set up the parking lot. - After lunch, we had another teaching session on Sharing Jesus with the Religious.  We focused on specifically speaking with someone who is Mormon, however we walked away with the tools that can help us share Jesus with someone of any religious belief.  We then headed to Riverton, where Gospel Hope is, and hung door hangers.  Once door hangers were finished we headed back to Gospel Grace for a time of pr...