Day Five - last full day of Plant Camp

We began our morning serving the Salt Lake City community on the Jordan River Parkway Trail.  The trail is a 40+ mile trail that flows from Utah Lake to the Great Salt Lake.  All the different groups at Plant Camp (totaling over 90 people) split into two different teams.  One team cut blooms off the thistle plant and the other team pulled Puncture Vine Weevils.

We then headed back to Gospel Grace for our last teaching session on 1 John, titled "Perfect Love Casts Out Fear."  We were reminded that:
1.  Perfect love originates with God.
2.  Perfect love creates boldness.
3.  Perfect love banishes fear.
4.  Perfect love establishes itself in truth.
5.  Perfect love impacts other for good.
We had a great small group time after, in which we were able to share with each other the ways we respond in fear and how a fearful person can only think about themselves.  Then we encouraged each other that perfect love casts out fear and frees us to love one another. 

We grabbed our lunch out and then headed back to Gospel Grace for our Equipping session. Lukus Counterman led the session on "Why Plant Churches?" He focused on 4 main motivations:

1. Jesus promised to build His church.
2. Jesus commissioned us to make disciples.
3. Jesus established local churches through His followers in the 1st Century.
4. Jesus is establishing churches through His followers in the 21st Century.

After our session, we were split into groups to rotate for the afternoon. For the first rotation our students went into Liberty Park to do more surveys. Our second rotation was a 45 minute team break and our third rotation was serving at the free car wash.

We had one last teaching session with Will Galkin tonight.  He admonished us that being a Christian is hard and self sacrificing, to follow Christ anywhere, not just where we are comfortable and to be Christ focused.

He then challenged the students to live a life of discipleship. We are called to be disciples, so BE disciples. He reminded us that healthy followers make disciples. He had the students think of someone in their youth group that they could come along side and be the person that helps them be more like Jesus. He also challenged them to be the person that asks to be discipled! We then ended the evening in prayer.

As the night ended we headed back to our hotel and had a small team meeting about tomorrow. Lyndsay and Kristine decided to take the ladies out for some ice cream and had some time to just enjoy one another...there was a lot of laughing and sharing about the week and overall a sweet time was had by all.

Please be praying for our last day of plant camp tomorrow! Tomorrow is the Kids Carnival in park, Free car washes and more canvasing/surveys. God has been doing great things here in SLC and we are excited to finish our week here strong! Thanks for praying.


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