Plant Camp has begun! We started the morning off at Gospel Grace getting to know the four other youth groups that are here in a "get to know you" game. Jon Kopp shared with us their vision for the Salt Lake City area and the desire to see more Gospel centered churches. He shared a video that stated there is only 1 Gospel centered church for every 10,000 people, making it the least churched city in America. We then drove to the center of SLC, Temple Square, for a tour of the Convention Center and the Temple Square grounds. While at the Convention Center, we got to ask our guide some questions about his beliefs and see the view of the city. On the tour of Temple Square, we had two American sisters show us the Tabernacle, the Chapel and outside the Temple. We were really proud of our students for being bold and stepping out of their comfort zones to ask questions that made the sisters contemplate what they believe. After our tours, we walked to a park and had lunch with the rest of Plant Camp and discussed what we learned from our tours.
Inside Convention Center |
Students asking questions |
Tour of Temple Square |
The Temple |
Inside the Chapel with the sisters |
On top of the Convention Center |
Inside the Convention Center |
Lunch at City Creek Park |
After lunch, we drove up to Ensign Peak. This is where Brigham Young overlooked the valley and said "This is the place." Here we were given some history of how the settlers arrived and designed the city layout. We also learned about the diversity of the city and Gospel Grace's heart to plant churches in specific locations through the valley.
View of Salt Lake City from Ensign Lookout |
We spent the afternoon inviting the neighborhood kids to the Backyard Bible Club that we will be serving in tomorrow. We then headed to the Longoria's for dinner and fun. After dinner, we drove back to Gospel Grace for our first evening session. Will Galkin took us through Psalm 119 and pointed out the thread that runs through of the author asking the Lord to "give me life." In our times of forgetting the Word, hurt and distractions we need Him to give us life/revive us and a desire to delight in His Word. We finished the night by breaking into teams and praying for the city. We were sent to specific locations throughout SLC and prayed with purpose for that area.
It has been a long, but profitable day. We have been enjoying the unity of the team and are excited to see what happens tomorrow as we begin day two of Plant Camp.
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